Permanente exhibition is located in Hotel Schäfflerhof




The wedding festival in Degendorf, Germany



Rosalie suited it very much behind the cakes. She also helped me to express myself in German language.Together we handed out a huge amount of business cards and cutted a lots of cake types for the people to taste.There was such a chaos, nobody had time to take a picture. Right after in January came the first order for a wedding cake...



Pictures from past events

22.března 2014 - City muzeum and galerie in Svitavy

"Everyone else" 

collective exhibition with the painter Petr Probst

Máchova alej 1, Svitavy


5. 9. 2012 - Spořilov salon 

From the ruins to the Univers

Geophysical Institute AV ČR, Prag 4 - Spořilov


 May 2012

Gallery DOX - Art salon - painting

 13.5.2012 - Mańana music bar


Mystical drawings


 Pod čertovou skalou 3, Praha 8  

Januar 2012

33 most beautiful Bohemian, Moravian and Silesia ruins

the exhibition organized Gentleman´s club Žižkov and Czech post Prague 33,

in the Post minigaliry , Přemyslovská 2, entrance from Jiřího z Poděbrad square