A perfect reproduction of the original artwork with the highest possible print quality, exactly to the original. On this exclusive paper, each slightest detail excels and thanks to the special ink, the reproduction is unbelievably faithful to the original.

On this exclusive paper, each slightest detail excels and thanks to the special ink, the reproduction is unbelievably faithful to the original. However, it is by no means a mass production, each piece is printed at the company Obrazkarna.cz in Prague, which specializes in printing works of art. The printing technology is based on the cutting-edge technology known from the Giclée Fine Art category, which is characteristic for creative and artistic photography and graphics. The drawings are printed exclusively on the Rauch and Epson premium materials commonly used to print high-resolution professional photos. It is a heavy matt coated paper with a matt nano layer for high quality graphics. First comes the contactless digitization of a work of art with the help of the LEICA S1 PRO lens scanner or Canon's professional 1Ds MkII digital SLR camera. Works of art in A3 are digitized on a Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL + desktop scanner up to a maximum of 1600DPI resolution and 48-bit color depth with accurate color calibration. For maximum detail, works of larger size are digitized by multiple scans. The artwork is illuminated from the sides at 45 degrees with special lightboxes with daylight.

The data is then adjusted on the computer to fit the original and ready for the desired image reproduction size. This is followed by a proof of the whole or a detail cut on the material of your choice. Final data correction is underway based on the comparison of the proof and the original. Finally, the final reproduction is printed and its quality is compared with the original.